I’ve always had a thing for fluffy undergarments and although I’m not sure TuTu is the correct term for what sexy MissyStarr is wearing here, I’m not going to complain. It’s looking hot with the matching striped socks and I really like her expressive face too. I think some of this set could have had either less or more artistic use of depth of field techniques. It’s hard to tell in some shots if it was intentional or just a byproduct of the lighting and I would have enjoyed a sharper detailed focus for some of the shots, but it’s still a sexy Deviant Nation set.The lack of sharpness could also just be a result of Deviant Nation‘s funky display size detector though. I’m not using the highest resolution screen and their system tries to fit the image to your settings. So, I have no idea if this is full size or not.
MissyStarr looks sweet and vicious all at the same time.
Photographer: SeanAbandoned