BareMaidens: Wild Preferences


Druids have their peculiar attraction. As defenders of nature and the wild, druids call to the primitive man or woman that lies at the center of our evolution. This is not just about acorns and squirrels, it’s that primitive instinct that governs our basic drives: which includes, of course, sex.

We are just so used to seeing old grizzled men portraying druids, that we forget entirely that there is a deep drumming lust in nature, which is thankfully brought back in line by Ava Rose. Raven hair, blue eyes and a body that has all the traits that I would expect to a model asked to embody natural desire: curvy hips, natural tits and sensuality.

I am not sure how Ava became guardian of this enchanted forest, and what are the threats the forest of Afthaluu is subject to, but I sure wish to see this dark guardian in action for some more hot druidic magic.

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