Green Fairy KweenFlaxi Enjoys Some Xmas Chillz


KweenFlaxi is one of the newest models I recently started covering and let me tell you – I’m so glad this happened. A few minutes into watching her she sang her own wonderful rendition of Wham’s “Last Christmas”, which was incredibly hilarious and should definitely be made into an actual song. It starts with “Last Christmas I gave you my butt…” and you should have a pretty clear idea about what the rest of it says.

KweenFlaxi wears beautiful green hair as well as a lip piercing and a pair of thick, black-rimmed glasses which make her look even cuter than she already is, and she’s really cute. This beautiful fairy is online right now on MyFreeCams, so pack your token bag and go drop by her cam!

Green Fairy KweenFlaxi Enjoys Some Xmas Chillz
Sexy Cam Girl writes:

“I’d feel guilty taking their money, if I wasnt well, kinda one of them.” -John Cusack xDD

Green Fairy KweenFlaxi Enjoys Some Xmas Chillz

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