Stagg Street: Pin-up Masuimi Max gets Framed


Stagg Street frames classic tattoo pin-up star Masuimi Max in this new lingerie tease series. She’s looking hot, as always, in her sexy purple undergarments and I like how the tan fishnets match the coloring of her hair. I do have to say that I miss the black locks a lot. She looks so much sexier to me with black hair, instead of this boring blonde. It just never looks right on her head. Some girls can pull it off, but I don’t like it on Masuimi. This does look like a fun series though and getting to see more of her is always something to be thankful for.

Stagg Street: Pin-up Masuimi Max gets Framed
Stagg Street writes:

This is a short yet sweet set of Masuimi. Shooting with her is so much fun cause its like shooting a living doll. Her poses are so cartoon like, same with her facial expressions. I can’t wait to shoot her again.

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