Nerdpr0n: Flashing Parliament


Anna is upset with us for poking fun at her post ironic nerd-chic t-shirt collection, but this is what we really love to see. This is SO much hotter than a Chococat t-shirt or Green Lantern underwear. Hanging, out nude and wet, on the old city rooftop overlooking the Irish Parliament building sounds like an exciting unforgettable adventure. We’re here to support what is good and challenge people to try harder and explore more unique sexy creative areas and media and we applaud interesting hot stuff like this. Now I just want to know what building that is. That looks like a GREAT place to have sex!


Nerdpr0n writes:

Here’s a cute little set of me relaxing and unwinding the bathtub, after a long day of touring Dublin. As you can tell by how pink my skin is, I love my baths blisteringly hot, and eventually I got so hot I had to get out of the bathtub, climb out of the hotel window and cool off in a nice cool Irish breeze. … Right in front of the Ireland Parliament building. XD

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