Nerdpr0n: Hot Frolic in the Snow


It’s been a little while since we’ve gotten our hot Nerdpr0n fix, so it’s great to see sexy Anna out there naked and having fun. I was just checking out her site to see what was new and totally got Rick Rolled by her 401 Authorization Required error page. Nerd humor, does it ever get old? Well, yes, but we enjoy it anyway because it’s nerd humor and it wouldn’t be funny if it weren’t. Anna is looking pretty hot in that colorful lingerie and I bet we could make some pretty messed up snow angels together. Warming up those chilly nipples sounds like a good way to spend a snow day. Staying in for hot butter schnapps sounds pretty tempting too, so long as it comes with hot naked girls in need of some warm snuggles. Go check Nerdpr0n out, it has a lot of sexy personality.

Nerdpr0n: Hot Frolic in the Snow

Nerdpr0n writes:

A good way to perk up some crappy weather is to get out, frolic in the snow, and do a little striptease for whoever might be watching! And of course right afterwards I had a nice hot mug of cider and butterschnapps and a good roll in the hay to warm me up. 😉

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