CyberDyke: A happy bondage thought (& the most recent DarkPlay


CyberDyke writes:

At the Fetish Photography workshop I was at this weekend, modeling with darling [info]sasha_monet, photgrapher Malcolm W. ([info]gelt_guy) locked some chains to my wrist-cuffs in preparation for the next round of shooting (I was in this naughty white outfit with corselet, Sasha was showing off her delicious boobies in a fishnet bodysuit) and when I went to go touch up some make-up, Malc. offered to help me by removing the chains, and I said, “No, I’m used to it,” and just gathered up the chains with one hand and applied the make-up with the other – effortlessly, without even really thinking of it.  I’ve spent enough time in bondage where I have had to hop to the bathroom and figure out how to wipe with hands cuffed together, or where I have unpacked toys from a play-bag with ropes already on, etc., that it’s gotten to the point where I am quite comfortable doing any number of activities bound in rope, metal, or leather.

Which reminded me of this out-take, which I had just put up on DarkPlay, in this week’s update:

We were between sets – the tub was filling with water, [info]fd_midori was checking her email, and Michael Blue was following me around taking behind the scenes shots.  I didn’t want to bother anyone when I could do it myself, so I just grabbed the water bottle, and despite one hand tied tight up on my lower back, and the other restricted in a number of ways, I opened the bottle and got my desired fluids.  Easy as sin.

I love this skill, and I love that over the years I have been tied up enough to have acquired it!

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