There’s a lot of spit to be shared between Vivian_qwerty‘s lips and just how well she’s able to coat over the whole dildo that she’s playing with. She certinaly has goth the moves for it—and the passion, judging by the look on her face.
I for one welcome the imagery of her just hogging the whole thing down without so much as blinking. I’m also so fascinated with the gorgeous ink she has and just how pretty she looks in the process. There’s something so nice about seeing her face alone and the way she’s able to mesmerize is unmatched.
And I for one am here for more of Vivian_qwerty and what she has to play with!
Followers: 180465
Birth Date: July 20, 2005
Age: 19
I Am: A Woman
Interested In: Women, Men, Couples, Trans