Up-close And Personal With Lilithmadness


I do love the tattoos on Lilithmadness—because no matter what angle, there’s always something there to look at and admire. It’s almost line lines of ancestry that seem strewn around her face and just moving down her body—like a living work of art.

And the highest order work of art comes in the way that she’s able to play with herself and her toys too. There’s just something so very nice about seeing her having a go at this dildo and basically not even focus on naything but the toy that’s in her throat. And it’s a melody of sounds and moans that just work together in an opera of the most melodic type.

More of Lilithmadness is always a good thing!

Up-close And Personal With Lilithmadness

Lilithmadness writes:

Real Name: Lilith
Followers: 2903
I Am: A Woman
Interested In: Women, Men, Couples, Trans
Location: Your dark dream

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