The Kawaii Kingdom Of Sweetsuika


Taking a peek into Sweetsuika’s cam room really does feel like seeing a kingdom. One ruled by the cutie herself, who is busy showing off how adorable she looks with her pink hair, a pair of kitty ears and that Kawaii style top.

Cuteness soon turns to naughtiness and she knows how to mix both together so nicely. First, her boobies pop out of the top so she can play with them and even suck on one of the nipples. Next, her booty twerks for the camera while she looks back and gives the cutest smile.

The only thing making this show even better is that vibrator wand I see Sweetsuika holding now. It’s a cute shade of purple and it purrs so nicely as she places it between her legs.

The Kawaii Kingdom Of Sweetsuika

The Kawaii Kingdom Of Sweetsuika

The Kawaii Kingdom Of Sweetsuika

The Kawaii Kingdom Of Sweetsuika

The Kawaii Kingdom Of Sweetsuika

Sweetsuika writes:

Username: Sweetsuika
Gender: Female
Body Type: Large
Ethnicity: Hispanic
Hair: Always Different
Eyes: Variable
Age: 25
City: So Paulo
Country: Brazil
Sexual Preference: Bisexual
Smoke: Non Smoker
Drink: Light
Drugs: Occasionally
Marital Status: Married
Favorite Food: Sweets
Pets: Cats

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