Happy Pi(e) Day With XFuukaX


XFuukaX is the biggest nerd and I love how much into pretty much anything geeky that she’s in. There’s just something about the way that she makes everything that’s even remotely nerdy her thing, and adds a lot of sexiness to it that is just beautiful to see too.

For example, pi day. The day where π is celebrated – for some reason. Unsure why other constants are not celebrated in this way, but maybe that’s because she couldn’t add a pie on her body and smear it all over that it’s not quite as fun. I love a good pun and I love pie, so I guess combining the two is just top notch performance.

XFuukaX is always a treat, but now even more sweet!

Happy Pi(e) Day With XFuukaX

Happy Pi(e) Day With XFuukaX

Happy Pi(e) Day With XFuukaX

Happy Pi(e) Day With XFuukaX

XFuukaX writes:

Username: XFuukaX
CamScore: 7175
Gender: Female
Body Type: Little in the middle
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Green
Weight: 160 pounds
Height: 70 inches
Age: 31
City: Texas
Country: United States
Sexual Preference: Bisexual
Smoke: Herb

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