Crazy_Rozy Returns With A Tease


Crazy_Rozy has returned from a little break, so what better way to announce exactly that than to just show up with a giant dildo and play around with it? I for one welcome this comeback since it definitely brings with it a lot of good times that involve the hottie.

Something that I have always appreciated about her shows is just how quickly she gets down to business. Almost no matter the time, place or well, location, she will find a corner to sit in and push out a toy to play with. She will also have a very nice time setting up her shots at any given point, so there are lots of good angles all the time.

Crazy_Rozy is always such a treat!

Crazy_Rozy Returns With A Tease

Crazy_Rozy Returns With A Tease

Crazy_Rozy Returns With A Tease

Crazy_Rozy Returns With A Tease

Crazy_Rozy writes:

I just love stepping out of my comfort zone and trying new stuff. They call me crazy, I am just trying to enjoy life.

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