KasaraWood Takes The Purple Away


I would say the blues, but then again I don’t think I have ever witnessed the blues in KasaraWood‘s room. Just the reds. Maybe the pinks too. There’s always some version of warmth happening, and she’s making sure to showcase the fun times.

While I also appreciate the purple lingerie she has on, taking it off also has its benefits, like, well, more KasaraWood. I quite appreciate a lot of what she’s doing in her shows, and even the ones she likes to call “cozy” are quite packed with a lot of action regardless.

Rocking around the Christmas tree never looked so good. Though I think that’s probably KasaraWood.

KasaraWood Takes The Purple Away

KasaraWood Takes The Purple Away

KasaraWood Takes The Purple Away

KasaraWood Takes The Purple Away

KasaraWood writes:

Your friendly neighborhood succubus😈 Magic girl 🧜🏻‍♀️ Long and lean 🧘🏻‍♀️ healthy anime baby 🍜

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