The Ninja Turtles Have A New Member, Cubbixoxo


Although, it does seem that she’s gunning for Michelangelo’s job judging by the orange strip of paint across her forehead. Is it cooperation, or is it infiltration is the real question I ask of Cubbixoxo?

Whatever the case, I do happen to quite enjoy a bit of TMNT and I’m very happy that she’s decided to pay homage to some of my favorite childhood heroes. And well, make it a bit of her own. With more boob, of course.

Cubbixoxo is lean, green and (not) mean!

The Ninja Turtles Have A New Member, Cubbixoxo

The Ninja Turtles Have A New Member, Cubbixoxo

The Ninja Turtles Have A New Member, Cubbixoxo

The Ninja Turtles Have A New Member, Cubbixoxo

Cubbixoxo writes:

Comedian | Highly Sarcastic

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