BDAYMao Celebrates Her Birthday With Alcohol, Like A True Pirate


Big birthday celebrations call with them a lot of booze. This is especially true for a pirate and it does seem like BDAYMao is trying her very best at keeping up with the shots and chasers.

While there’s no difficulty in upkeep, she has committed the cardinal sin of having no rum. What pirate doesn’t have rum?! I suppose the tasty chasers and constant glugs do make up for the lack of pirate’s gold.

Although, BDAYMao does have all the booty in the world to not need the high seas.

BDAYMao Celebrates Her Birthday With Alcohol, Like A True Pirate

BDAYMao Celebrates Her Birthday With Alcohol, Like A True Pirate

BDAYMao Celebrates Her Birthday With Alcohol, Like A True Pirate

BDAYMao Celebrates Her Birthday With Alcohol, Like A True Pirate

MissMao writes:

Spaced Out Cutie on MFC

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