How Many Sins Did Sister EmilyTokes Commit?


I don’t believe I have enough hands to count them, but I do know that she’s adding onto them more than any devil would. It seems like the dark side is quite enticing for EmilyTokes – as expected.

Keeping the veil on is a good touch, especially when she sifts through all the butt plugs in her collection to try and find the right one to match. A blood red one that shines in the color of demons seems appropriate enough. Though it does go well with the sinful tattoos she has plastered all over her body, which move with her hands when she roams them until they reach between her legs for the real fun.

I don’t believe sister EmilyTokes is asking for forgiveness any time soon. The sins are as delicious as the night is going to be!

How Many Sins Did Sister EmilyTokes Commit?

How Many Sins Did Sister EmilyTokes Commit?

How Many Sins Did Sister EmilyTokes Commit?

How Many Sins Did Sister EmilyTokes Commit?

How Many Sins Did Sister EmilyTokes Commit?

How Many Sins Did Sister EmilyTokes Commit?

EmilyTokes writes:

Hi! I’m a smol Canadian who’s been an MFC girl for 4 years as of January. I have 3 cats (Wade, Mushu & Binx) whom I love very much! whether we’re chatting, drinking, dancing, singing, masturbating or putting things in my butt we’re ALWAYS having a great time so get comfortable and lets have some fun together!

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