Natalia_Rae And Kayleeanne_xo Push Over A Naughty Jenga Tower


There’s a lot that can come with naughty jenga, primarily the very interesting questions that definitely would have a whole room howling. But there’s also the very physical element that I did not expect – it looks like Natalia_Rae and Kayleeanne_xo are having a blast though, and that tower seems to have blasted over after a few attempts too.

I love the energy between the two since they play off each other very well. That and they seem to have a knack for creating a human pyramid which definitely does not look like a pyramid, but it’s a climb nonetheless.

There are quite a few things on the roster ready for Natalia_Rae and Kayleeanne_xo, and first to come is a blindfolded dance off which will go over spectacularly, I’m sure!

Natalia_Rae And Kayleeanne_xo Try To Push Over Naughty Jenga Bits

Natalia_Rae And Kayleeanne_xo Try To Push Over Naughty Jenga Bits

Natalia_Rae And Kayleeanne_xo Try To Push Over Naughty Jenga Bits

Natalia_Rae And Kayleeanne_xo Try To Push Over Naughty Jenga Bits

Natalia_Rae writes:

Youll often hear me refer to my room as a safe space & I genuinely mean it. I know it can be intimidating to chat sometimes, especially when there’s a lot going on in the room, but PLEASE dont ever be afraid to chime in! I can assure you, I want to hear what you have to say!

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