2023 AltStar Awards Events Weekend – Presented by Bad Dragon


Well, as I mention in the magazine that’s about to be released, we’re on the verge of some exciting new growth for our annual AltStar Awards event, presented by Bad Dragon. We’ve found a fun and cool new party location that I think everyone will enjoy, and we’re adding a mini convention in our official hotel as well!

Oh, and did I mention a pool party mixer? We’re making it an AltStar Awards and Convention Weekend in Las Vegas! After a decade in Hollywood, California, it’s been an incredible amount of work making the move and adding all these new activities, but it’s going to be a blast! I really want to take a moment to appreciate all the cool companies that have stepped up to help sponsor the growth. It makes me so happy to see people supporting the Alt community and helping foster a space for such an amazing group of diverse creative individuals, dedicated to doing sexy cool things in their own unique ways. Las Vegas is a big change for us and we’re still getting used to things, working through unexpected surprises, and adding details that I think will make this event even better for everyone. I just wish we could give a trophy to ALL of you, because this community is kicking out so much amazing and inspiring work.

These are rooms in the nicer tower, The first AltStar room block sold out and the hotel gave us a second room block which also sold out and then they gave us a third and last block. You can still book direct with the hotel to stay in the Marra Tower, which is extra nice, near the pool and mixer locations, near the pool and mixer locations, where everyone will be staying, includes free valet parking, and more! Starting June 8, you can still book for standard undiscounted rates at the hotel at this link. VIP ticketed attendees are welcome at all VIP events at the Sahara, whether or not you are a guest of the hotel. Note: even though the event is 21+, the AZILO Ultra Pool mixer is not topless.

If you are a nominee, past year nominee, or press, please contact us for your complimentary VIP passes for all the weekend events.

If you are interested in simply attending the 2023 AltStar Awards presentation at Artifice (June 18 at 10pm) here is a link for ticketing: https://app.gopassage.com/events/altstar-awards-2023-presented-by-bad-dragon This includes the always entertaining AltStar Awards ceremony, hosted by MC Jeffrey Damnit and Trophy Goddess Malice McMunn, followed with a special performance by Angel Beau.

We also have a limited number of VIP tickets for those interested in attending the AZILO Ultra Pool mixer with the nominees and the mini-convention at the Sahara Hotel & Casino on Saturday June 17, as well as the VIP Red-Carpet pre-party (open bar) at Artifice starting at 7pm. Oh, and the awards presentation party as well, obviously.

Here is an outline of what we have in store:

Events Schedule:

June 17 (Sat)

Sahara Hotel & Casino
2535 Las Vegas Blvd South
Las Vegas, NV 89109
free parking and free valet
3pm-5pm pool party at Sahara AZILO Ultra Pool
5pm-7pm exhibit hall mixer in the elegant Albert room in the 2nd floor Conference Center with snacks & drinks

June 18 (Sun)

1.5 miles from Sahara Hotel
Downtown Las Vegas Arts District
1025 S 1st St #100
Las Vegas, NV 89101
free parking
6:30pm press check-in
7pm red carpet & open bar (VIP only)
10pm ceremony (general admission)
12midnight burlesque! Featuring 2022 AltStar Awards Best Modern Burlesque Winner Angel Beau!

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