Cynpai Has Two Big Fluorescent Jellyfish She Is Showing Off


I do mean that in a literal sense. I have never in my life seen a pair of cooler earrings because the shape is one thing but the fact that they glow in the dark like actual jellyfish is making me a lot happier than it should.

“Paint night” is what Cynpai has referred to her show for the evening and I can indeed concur that she is doing a whole lot of painting. But as every artist knows, there is no art without at least some breaks in between, which is where she pulls out the Lush to tease or takes the head of her favorite dildo between her lips – maybe for motivation, maybe for inspiration.

Cynpai is art herself, though – beautiful, unique and all!

Cynpai Has Two Big Fluorescent Jellyfish She Is Showing Off

Cynpai Has Two Big Fluorescent Jellyfish She Is Showing Off

Cynpai Has Two Big Fluorescent Jellyfish She Is Showing Off

Cynpai Has Two Big Fluorescent Jellyfish She Is Showing Off

Cynpai Has Two Big Fluorescent Jellyfish She Is Showing Off

Cynpai writes:

Hey boys my name is Cyn

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