Say Hello To Lilykush’s Peculiar Penis Pipe


LilyKush is having a really fun time during the Halloween month considering she has brought out a fair set of interesting cosplays and costumes to play around with and tonight it seems to be all about the devil in disguise, except much more naughty.

What she also has in her possession is a special item, a pipe that can also act like a very good way for the cutie to tease with – a penis pipe that she just so happens to smoke out of and also suck between her lips as a way to tease and play around.

The great thing about LilyKush is just how much she likes to play around, which definitely comes with a fair set of teases that she is lining up for the rest of the evening – toys added!

Say Hello To Lilykush's Peculiar Penis Pipe

Say Hello To Lilykush's Peculiar Penis Pipe

Say Hello To Lilykush's Peculiar Penis Pipe

Say Hello To Lilykush's Peculiar Penis Pipe

LilyKush writes:

Gender: Female
Body Type: Slim/Petite
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green
Weight: 120 pounds
Height: 65 inches
Country: United States
Sexual Preference: Bi-curious
Occupation/Major: Caregiver
Favorite Food: Pizza all the way lol
Pets: 7 furry alien
Automobile: Shitty… need new one lol

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