Sexy Puzzling With BrattyBel


Puzzling is a fun hobby, save for those hair pulling moments when that one piece just doesn’t fit and then it all comes crashing down. But for BrattyBel, it’s actually a rather chill time. And who wouldn’t be chill if sitting next to the absolute cutest fluffy boy in the world?

With Koa as her right hand doggo that is definitely doing his part in choosing the pieces and totally not napping, BrattyBel is free to finish her art piece and also show off her curves at the same time. I really appreciate the way she combines lewd and adorable, with a little bit of chattiness to top it all off to really make for an excellent time.

I always enjoy every bit of BrattyBel‘s sexy shenanigans!

Sexy Puzzling With BrattyBel

Sexy Puzzling With BrattyBel

Sexy Puzzling With BrattyBel

Sexy Puzzling With BrattyBel

BrattyBel writes:

Username: BrattyBel
Gender: Female
Body Type: Little in the middle
Eyes: Brown
Country: Australia
Sexual Preference: Bi-curious
Favorite Food: all the pasta I can get
Pets: Koa the greatest pooch on the planet!

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