Feryn_SG Brings Out The Spooks (And Her Bum)


Think of a giant ball of energy. Then think of another ball of energy inside that ball of energy. Voila – you have Feryn_SG. It’s pretty amazing to see the stark difference in pure bubbliness anytime I enter her room. I really have never seen her sitting down aside from when she goes into her cumshow glory – which is supposed to happen soon.

The cutie has gone from green to red but is still keeping that very punk-esque mood to her. She’s also very much naked and has a fluffy guest next to her as she twerks and dances around the place. With a blue vibrator dangling around the place, things are about to heat up soon.

And I can’t wait to see Feryn_SG explode from pleasure!

Feryn_SG Brings Out The Spooks (And Her Bum)

Feryn_SG Brings Out The Spooks (And Her Bum)

Feryn_SG Brings Out The Spooks (And Her Bum)

Feryn_SG writes:

Username: Feryn_SG
Gender: Female
Body Type: Slim/Petite
Hair: Multi
Eyes: Brown
Weight: 115 pounds
Height: 62 inches
Age: 29
City: Seattle
Country: United States

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