TheSharkQueen Delivers Booty, Beauty And Birthday Presents


It’s not a competition, but TheSharkQueen has won ‘best edible story’ ever. Upon entering her room and seeing her go through her pile of gifts and a pair of very shiny shoes, she’s in the mood for a very late night stream that she plans to keep going until at least sunrise.

With it come tales of stoners’ past and on one faithful Halloween years ago, she had a friend bring her edibles for a party she was throwing. A few hits and brownies later, she almost cancelled on her own party. Alas, there’s a giant bong accompanying her as she tells his – with some 80s tunes keeping her singing along during it.

Aside from the chill-out time, TheSharkQueen also is quick to take off all her clothes and spend her birthday month stream in her birthday suit as is appropriate. The rest of the night promises to be much naughtier though!

TheSharkQueen Delivers Booty, Beauty And Birthday Presents

TheSharkQueen Delivers Booty, Beauty And Birthday Presents

TheSharkQueen Delivers Booty, Beauty And Birthday Presents

TheSharkQueen Delivers Booty, Beauty And Birthday Presents

TheSharkQueen writes:

Username: TheSharkQueen
Gender: Female
Body Type: Slim/Petite
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Hazel

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