WonderAna Makes Her Beads Rattle With The Help Of A Hitachi


Happy Bootymonday, everyone! That’s the official name of the day according to WonderAna, even if today’s show seems to be hijacked by her doggo Kilo right now!

Not one, but two cameras are showing off just how adorable Kilo looks. WonderAna tries to get Kilo to capture a fly buzzing around in the room, but he doesn’t seem too interested. The doggo is however interested in the dice that soon go rolling around and land on number 15. This means it’s time for Kilo to go away so things can take a naughty turn.

WonderAna shows off the special pair of beaded panties she is wearing and adding a Hitachi rubbing up against them seems to be the perfect way to put them to good use!

WonderAna Makes Her Beads Rattle With The Help Of A Hitachi

WonderAna Makes Her Beads Rattle With The Help Of A Hitachi

WonderAna Makes Her Beads Rattle With The Help Of A Hitachi

WonderAna writes:

Username: WonderAna
CamScore: 3608
Gender: Female
Body Type: Slim/Petite
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair: Red
Eyes: Brown
Weight: 420 kilos
Height: 157 centimeters
Sexual Preference: Straight
Marital Status: Single
Favorite Food: Chocolate is life.
Pets: KILO 😀

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