DrewBerries Brings The Good Vibes And The Sexy Spanks


The timer has been set to 10 minutes as I take a peek inside of DrewBerries’s chill room. 10 minutes of what? 10 minutes of titties of course!

Now that’s a way to get the show off to a titillating start and the beauty has some time with her Hitachi planned next. There are already some very good vibes going on thanks to the chill conversation and the mood created by her retro set-up, but now there will some very good vibes added in the form of actual vibrations!

What’s the best way to top off a Hitachi session? With some spanks! 33 of them to be exact. All of that and DrewBerries is just getting started as she lights up her bong and gets ready to play some more card games.

DrewBerries Brings The Good Vibes And The Sexy Spanks

DrewBerries Brings The Good Vibes And The Sexy Spanks

DrewBerries Brings The Good Vibes And The Sexy Spanks

DrewBerries Brings The Good Vibes And The Sexy Spanks

DrewBerries Brings The Good Vibes And The Sexy Spanks

DrewBerries writes:

Username: DrewBerries
Gender: Female
Hair: Red
Eyes: Blue
Height: 177 centimeters
Age: 97
Country: Canada
Sexual Preference: Bisexual
Smoke: Herb
Drink: Moderate
Occupation/Major: Professional Dumpster Fire
Favorite Food: Pizza everyday.
Pets: Demon Kitty
About Me: Check out my MFCShare for more Drew…

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