Senrii Does A Pretty Sexy Zhongli


Senrii just knows how to get these characters right. What’s even better, she works hard at crafting her own cosplays which is a feat on its own. The brunette now turned black haired babe is working a lovely Zhongli outfit tonight, except it’s a tiny bit sexier than the one in the game. Still, since she is a master of the crafts and cosplay, she got his coat and hair part right which is honestly the most important thing.

No sighting of Dimitri just yet which makes me think he may do a little appearance later in the show. Either way, Senrii‘s booty is something to marvel at and I’m really excited to see what else she has planned for her nerdy, yet sexy performance!

Senrii Does A Pretty Sexy Zhongli

Senrii writes:

Welcome Little Cabbages ~

Senrii Does A Pretty Sexy Zhongli

Senrii Does A Pretty Sexy Zhongli

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