HollyRandall: Miss Crash Crash Course


Metal rings and straps can be part of some of the most exciting and kinky looking outfits and I’m staring at one in amazement right now. It’s being worn by the fiery hot Miss Crash as she poses in an exciting HollyRandall shoot.

A white collar made up of various straps extends and wraps around Miss Crash’s waist as long, wing-like objects protrude out from the side. It’s all so fantastically gorgeous that it takes me a moment to catch my breath after seeing each new shot. The industrial setting behind the babe creates the perfect backdrop for the beauty to pose in front of as she displays hers gorgeous tats and this stylish outfit.

For anyone not familiar, these shots are certainly a great crash course on just how stunning, talented and sexy Miss Crash is and the full gallery (along with more exciting shoots featuring the babe in other outfits) is available over at HollyRandall.

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