Illbeyourh3ro Has Some Awesomely Hot Dance Moves


Watching Illbeyourh3ro in action for a few minutes has me excited to no end. I can’t explain how much I love seeing her dancing and grinding, it’s a special kind of performance that somehow always surprises me each time I enter her room. Tonight she’s really digging on the pole and she gets her hands on it while pushing her legs up in the air before coming back down to do a little floor tease that practically has me drooling at how goddamn sexy it is!

She’s rocking some blue lingerie that goes well with both her room and her hair but it’s never blue in Illbeyourh3ro’s room. In fact it’s pretty red hot and exciting and I’m definitely up for seeing more of this awesome babe!

Illbeyourh3ro Has Some Awesomely Hot Dance Moves

Illbeyourh3ro writes:

About Me
Username: Illbeyourh3ro
CamScore: 1353
Gender: Female
Body Type: Athletic
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Hair: Multi
Eyes: Brown
Height: 69 inches
Age: 28
City: Los Angeles
Country: United States
Sexual Preference: Bisexual
Smoke: Herb
Drink: Light
Drugs: Experimented
Marital Status: Single
Occupation/Major: Creative
Favorite Food: Spicy
Pets: Dog

Illbeyourh3ro Has Some Awesomely Hot Dance Moves

Illbeyourh3ro Has Some Awesomely Hot Dance Moves

Illbeyourh3ro Has Some Awesomely Hot Dance Moves

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