ZiaFox Bites Down On Her Big Snack While Moaning Deeply


From a distance, it almost looks like ZiaFox is naked. That’s just her bodysuit creating an optical illusion. On closer inspection, I see a hairy looking chest depicted on top of her suit and that definitely can’t be her own body. It is a fun and quirky introduction to her show, however!

The cutie grabs a giant dildo that I swear looks bigger than her own arm. She proves very quickly that she can wrap her mouth all around it, even if it seems impossible at first. The babe even has time to talk about the sounds people make during sex. She enjoys a man that moans and tries to re-create the sound with her own voice by bringing the microphone close to her mouth and licking her toy, but the whole idea makes her instantly giggle.

What follows this fun blowjob tease? ANOTHER blowjob tease as she cutie pulls a token out of her goodie basket and gets her toy out once again. ZiaFox licks her fingers clean right after she is done with her snack and oh boy does it look sexy! This is only the beginning to her show, too, so she still has lots of naughty treats and fun discussions planned as it continues.

ZiaFox Bites Down On Her Big Snack While Moaning Deeply

ZiaFox Bites Down On Her Big Snack While Moaning Deeply

ZiaFox Bites Down On Her Big Snack While Moaning Deeply

ZiaFox Bites Down On Her Big Snack While Moaning Deeply

ZiaFox writes:

Hi I’m Zia! I’m a 24 year old butthead who loves to be nakey and have fun online! I wear my heart on my sleeve and care deeply for my friends and my chatroom. I’m always happy to meet new people so please don’t be afraid to say hi: we’re a friendly goofy bunch! You will probably catch us deep in silly shenanigans!

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