SweetFemdom: A Big Magic Wand


Stage magicians have their tricks and secrets. They may wave a wand to let a rabbit out of a top hat, or have an assistant disappear in a puff of smoke. But some of them may surprise the public with new daring experiments of magic. And when the assistant walking on stage is gorgeous Lydia Black, you know that you are in for one hell of a trick.

Judging from the expression, however, the magician (Will Havoc) was not just as prepared as we are. Apparently, he was not at all ready for the “disappearance of the magic wand” trick. Now you see it, now you don’t. Although there’s little doubt the magician is – at the very least – feeling it . Those of you who understood the trick should kindly remain silent. You don’t want to anger THIS magician’s assistant!

SweetFemdom: A Big Magic Wand

SweetFemdom: A Big Magic Wand

SweetFemdom: A Big Magic Wand

SweetFemdom: A Big Magic Wand

SweetFemdom writes:

Will is a little flustered that his magic isn’t working on her. She tells him she also knows a magic trick. She says “Abracadabra” and pulls a gigantic pink strap on from behind her back.

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