The weekend may be coming to an end and Monday’s spectre looming on the horizon, though that doesn’t mean that all the fun has to be over until next weekend.
Nope and to prove that there is still much frisky fun to be had, this alluring artist is breaking out a bottle of red, pouring a glass for each of her friends, to give this weekend the proper send off it deserves.
And for this particular bottle, this gorgeous gal is pairing it with some darling dance moves with a heaping scoop of cute quirkiness.
So, if dancing the night away with a wildly unique cutie sounds like the perfect end to this weekend, head on over to Kickaz‘s room right now before it’s too late!
From Kickaz‘s profile:
I am Kickaz, but you can call me Kicka or Kick. I am an artist at heart and a retired scientist. Weird how those two go together.