Fucktoyjude Wears Her Heart Somewhere Other Than Her Sleeve


Wearing your heart on your sleeve is a bit hard to do when you don’t have any sleeves but fucktoyjude may have found a workaround to this problem.

Choosing to let the world in on her little solution, this sexy split tongue sprite took to stealing hearts while showing hers, the entire time casting enough seductive stares to start a million nosebleeds across the world.

Not content with simply stealing hearts, the goth faerie decided to melt them at the same time as she posed coy for the camera, stopping only to let a smile break between her gorgeous glares at the lens.

For those hoping that this split tongue senpai will notice them, stop by her bed to see if a there’s head pat in store.Fucktoyjude Wears Her Heart Somewhere Other Than Her Sleeve Fucktoyjude Wears Her Heart Somewhere Other Than Her Sleeve fucktoyjude‘s preferences include:

“I’m very into BDSM and hurting for you <3 and besides that I love to talk about anime and tattoos <3 she/they”

Fucktoyjude Wears Her Heart Somewhere Other Than Her Sleeve

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