Sashabutterfly Works Both Sides With Her Split Tongue


With just one look at this split tongue siren, it becomes obvious that Kansas is a long way away and it couldn’t be any better.

From the moment she locks eyes with the lens and that forked tongue finds its way around her lips, everything else falls away as there is nothing else but Sashabutterfly.
That’s the power of this serpentine siren’s stare and song, with just one moan or just a glare, nothing else matters but watching her writhe in pleasure along with the rattle of her lovense vibe.

Though, today was a bit extra special as the world was able to witness the sexy siren work both sides of a toy at the same time, showing off the prowess of her pronged pleasure plaything.Sashabutterfly Works Both Sides With Her Split TongueSashabutterfly Works Both Sides With Her Split TongueFrom Sashabutterfly‘s profile:

“I am fond of tattoos, body piercing, body modifications, colored hair, cosplay, anime, films, painting and art.”

Sashabutterfly Works Both Sides With Her Split TongueSashabutterfly Works Both Sides With Her Split Tongue

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