Cosplay Erotica: A Perfect Match!


In my opinion, there is an underlying sexual innuendo in all fighting games. There is something in fighting that somehow mixes with sex in our limbic system and makes a confused cocktail of the two in many a situation.

It comes to no surprise, therefore, that fighting games have so many hot girls (and other sexually charged characters) or that cosplayers like Nia and Zoey can choose two from a game like Tekken and bring out a hot scene of “lesbian combat” (Note to Self: I’d play that game).

Portraying Capoeira fighter Christie Montero (Nia) and traditional Chinese martial artist Xiaoyu (Zoey), these two ladies engage in a fight that quickly leads them to remove their clothes and wrestle in a much more entrancing way. It’s hard to take sides in this match, as both of them are hot, prepared and well motivated. It’s hard to choose a favorite, if you want to know the outcome you’ll have to stick until the end of the match.

Cosplay Erotica writes:

Everyones two favourite waifus from the Tekken series – Christie representing the west and Xiahou representing east – both of them are hot in a different way. Lets check them out as they having a little fighting and lesbian fun in the dojo!

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