Bodacious LunaLamb Is The Proudest Dad On Fathers Day


LunaLamb is wearing a ‘World’s Best Dad’ cap tonight and she’s got a rather peculiar keno going. There are a few winning numbers, and every winner gets some dad praise which sounds particularly wonderful coming from LunaLamb. It’s just a lot of wholesomeness, fun and tokens flying about in her chat room and time there is time well spent.

Not only will you be able to experience the magic that is LunaLamb and everything about her, mind, body and soul, but also you’ll be able to experience some true paternal love, telling you that you’re doing great and just keep on pushing on and success will eventually come. I mean, who doesn’t like an adorable babe cosplaying your dad? Okay that sounds weird, but you know what I mean.

Bodacious LunaLamb Is The Proudest Dad On Fathers Day
Sexy Cam Girl writes:

Wubba Lubba Dub Dub!

Bodacious LunaLamb Is The Proudest Dad On Fathers Day

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