Kitchen Spankings And Drinks With Kati3Kat


Kati3Kat was in the kitchen, making some popcorn and spanking her delicious ass while getting herself a cold one when I joined her tonight. She is naked with her long blue hair falling down and not quite covering her perky tits. She gives us a little spread of the cheeks to show the buttplug, with a jewel the color of her hair, that she also has in. Movies and drinks are on the menu for tonight, and of course more spankings.

Kati3Kat is so much fun, even just hanging out in her channel while she games and watches movies is a joy to experience as she really forms a bond with her fans and followers. Of course, it doesn’t hurt that she is hot, naked, and wearing a buttplug either. Join her and join in on the fun, you will have a blast for sure!

Kitchen Spankings and Beer With Kati3Kat
Sexy Cam Girl writes:

Vampire Mermaid Princess of all things awesome

Kitchen Spankings and Beer With Kati3Kat
Kitchen Spankings and Beer With Kati3Kat

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