PaybackBaby: Winter Brittany Oh


Cute willowy APN member Brittany Oh just had her second set post up on Payback Baby and I like the decorative winter vibe. Her pale skin looks good next to the glittery hanging snowflake decorations. I also really like the cyber-noir style zebra print coat she starts out the series in. It compliments her cool dance floor Gothic makeup and styling in the set. There are a number of interesting looking up between her legs from the floor shots which work well with her frame and long legs. I wish there had been a little more coverage of that interesting purple vibrator in the lengthy set, but there is still a lot of sexy to enjoy. Payback Baby really does get into their seasonal themes and that makes it even more fun to check out.

Payback Baby writes:

Brittany Oh says: When it’s cold outside, and the snow’s falling during the holiday season, all you wanna do is get out of the weather, into a warm house and be comfortable. So I’ve brought the beauty of snow inside with me where it’s warm and I don’t need to be all bundled up in layers of clothing, I can be naked and comfortable…. Oh and a bit sexy too!

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