OiTomboy: Banner Contest Winners


Hot APN member Cadence St. John just announced the winners of her recent Oi Tomboy banner contest and I really like the grindhouse influenced design work of first place winner Michael Tommes. Congratulations to all her winners. Cadence tells us that she’s expanding the vision of the site for 2011 to go beyond just a personal solo membership site and we’re looking forward to seeing what she does with it.

Some really hot updates have also been posting recently to Oi Tomboy, including the hot militia inspired series seen below. Cadence looks dangerously sexy in her sheer camouflage stockings and I really like how her tattoos mesh with the jungle patterns. The setting for this series is really well done and truly looks like your own bunker compound freedom outpost in the woods. This is both a stylish and very sexy series that Cadence fans will really enjoy.

Cadence St. John writes:

And….. the winners are! Michael Tommes wins first place for the contest, creativity was key and you really went all out.

Second place, goes to Chelsea Downs, I guess she was pervin around twitter and saw my post for the contest and wanted a membership to perv out some more. Thanks, Chelsea and enjoy the smut.

And Third, goes to Nori Carter, his last minute entry was worth waiting for! Love to you all and enjoy your prizes!

A special thank you to Funn Foto and Eric Skillingstad as well!

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