RazorDolls: Stoya: Little Raver Girl


I have the biggest crush on Stoya’s cute little double pierced nipples, although you kind of know the rave is over when all the glowsticks are burned out. Maybe she needs a ride home, heh. We’ve really been enjoying the recently relaunched RazorDolls site. There is some real quality stuff going on over there and you should really check it out.

RazorDolls: Stoya: Little Raver Girl
RazorDolls writes:

How many of us are Ravers at heart?? I know I am. and thats what makes this raver set of the lovely Stoya ever so sweet! It brings me back to the good ol days of crappy christmas lights and glowsticks where hot half naked girls bounced about while “feeling” the music and popping pills to forget their problems just for that one night. So check out this hot new set and forget your problems over and over again 😉

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