BurningAngel: January in May!


January is back. I’m not feeling the salvation army skirt but the smooth push-up bra looks nice with her ample breats, or front lumps as Abe Simpson recently called them.

BurningAngel writes:

Being the fashionista that she is, January can’t help but get into other people’s closets. But when she’s not putting on new dresses, shoes, skirts, etc., she’s taking them off!…so naturally, we get along really really well! Regardless, naked or dressed, she always looks hot.

Joanna Angel

0 thoughts on “BurningAngel: January in May!

  1. January

    heyyyyy… i didnt get that skirt at the salvation army!
    Its funny that you dont like the skirt but you like the bra. I like the skirt and hate the bra :- lol

    Im happy you make posts about me

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