BurningAngel: Snacktime with Moko


BurningAngel cutie Moko heads to the kitchen for a snack and then removed all her clothes, well, some of them are removed by a mysterious grabby hand, but I guess we know what we’re eating for lunch! She has a really cute smile and I love the little pigtails on her. I still think that the BA pictures are a little small by todays standards though. I’d love to see more details of the cute girls like this. 640 pixels is just too small for sexy photos these days.

BurningAngel writes:

I’m not sure if it was the weather or if it was just Moko, but it got so hot in her apartment the other day that she had to grab a popsicle and take off some layers to try and cool down. Unfortunately, that didn’t really work too well…it had the opposite effect. BUT, the popsicle was damn tasty at least! On that note, have a great, hot weekend!

Joanna Angel

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