Featured Model: Scar 13


Altporn.net Featured Model: Scar 13“The first shoot I was ever offered was 4 years ago for Hustler’s Taboo magazine. I have always leaned towards erotica, fetish and good old fashioned smut 🙂 I have always been a nudist, and I have always been into S+M, so I guess it was only a natural path for me to follow.”

Scar 13 Scar 13
Photos by Kelly Lind, Gary Breckenheimer

Favorite photographers

I am fortunate to have gotten along really well with most of the people I have had the opportunity of working with. I love shooting with Forrest and Amelia (of BlueBlood.net) because they encourage me to be myself in front of the camera and be creative with my make-up and hair. I love shooting with Perry Gallagher because he brings out my sensual side 🙂 I love shooting with Ashley Fontenot because we always experiment with different looks when we work together, and it’s fun to play dress up! Nadya Lev is an east coast based photographer who I have been e-mailing back and forth with for months now. I am a big fan of hers and hope to get to shoot with her someday soon!

Favorite fellow models

Although I have never met her, I think Fetus de Milo is smokin’ hot!! I have always been a fan of Darenzia too, because she has rad style. Voltaire is another hot girlie I have always admired, both for her looks and personality 🙂

Scar 13 Scar 13
Photos by Brian Bothwell, Michael Helms

Favorite publications/sites

I know it is cliche to say I enjoy looking through Marquis and Skin Two, but I do! I also really like the book Torture Garden put out a few years back. As far as art books I am a big fan of David LaChapelle, I love how he uses color!

Where has your work been featured?




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