CyberDyke: Some amazing DarkPlay updates this week!


CyberDyke writes:

“We picked Nikki up from the airport a scant few hours before the shoot was going to begin. 

I had talked to her on the phone several times, and I though she was cool and witty.  She had a sexy voice.  But that was all I knew, really knew about her.

Over lunch, we talked.  That all-important chit-chat where you get a feel for someone’s personality, where you see who they might be, what kind of relationship you could have with them if you get to know them better.

I found I wanted to get to know Nikki better.  Much better.

Which was a good thing, as she was about to chain me up, dominate me, and force me to lick her pussy.”

This is just the start of the story in the two lush galleries (155 images!) of “Nikki on Top,” now up at!

Since I missed the update last week by spending my time on the new History Of DarkPlay page (now updated with new images!), I’m giving you both galleries in one go, to make up for it!

Also, I discovered that one gallery of “Ripping the Red Dress,”  starring Bridgett Harrington and Mistress Tatiana, had not gone up yet, so I put that up as well — that’s another 102 explicit images of head shaving with full razor-to-scalp action, a red dress roughly cut off Bridgett, and 4 finger-penetration in bondage!

Plus, I tossed up a batch of amusing out-takes!

This is a very good week to Join DarkPlay!

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