CyberDyke: Mega DarkPlay update! Over 200 images!


CyberDyke writes:

Of all the goth girls I have known and loved, there are some who stand out as being perfectly goth.  There are some goth girls who will always make me feel inadequate, darkness envy like penis envy.  They will somehow always be more goth than me, although I have a black toothbrush, black soap, and black plates to eat from.

[info]malice_bd is one of those girls.  From her very name, which evokes the darker, crueler underside of goth, you get a sense of her: A devious mind, to be sure.  A brutal and piteous heart, that would cut yours up like wicked knives at the least provocation.  A merciless beauty that will ensure that you cannot help but love her, cannot help but long for the agony you know she will visit upon you…

When you’re done with these galleries,Visit Malice’s personal site!

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