Network Update: Sappho’s Girls

238 writes:

Yikes – February flew by so quickly that I missed two updates at Sappho’s Girls! I was going to feel bad about it, but then I saw what I’d missed and I was immediately distracted. When I saw the first picture I momentarily thought I was looking at Leisha Hailey and Erin Daniels from The L Word! It turns out to be Anais and Sabina making love across 125 fabulous pictures – the two of them are so beautiful together. The poses, the feelings…I know it’s going to sound hokey, but I just love how sweet they look (check out picture #4 in the first gallery). If you like real sapphic love, two girls together, soft corners and smooth edges, this gallery is for you. This is definitely among my favorite Cyber Dyke galleries…so beautiful.

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