Look, Latex!

223 writes:

There are lots of great updates around the CyDy Network to post about, but they will have to wait until I get home…I can’t exactly browse porn from work! URLs are usually quite innocent, though, so I read Livejournal during the workday.

I wrote about Ulorin Vex a couple of months ago, but she’s got another set of pictures that’s so awesome I just have to share. It’s a shoot she did with her identical twin sister for a site called Fetish Eyes. If you like latex, gas masks, and/or wetsuits you will love the sample photos she posted! (Actually, I know a guy who loves women in wetsuits, the only wetsuit fetishist I’ve ever met…I should send him this link!)

Anyway, go check out those pictures. My favorite is the last one, personally…so striking!

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