

Well, the past 48 hours haven’t contained much time for updates, being filled with 3 trips to the emergency room, taking care of our son, and trying not to go completely batshit crazy. I have lots of updates and two site reviews coming up, though, so check in later this week.

0 thoughts on “Poo

  1. maxine_mayhem

    Goodness! I hope yr family gets better. It’s seriously cool of you to do this blog, but ya know, if yr son is sick then you gotta drop everything!

    Let us know when the lil’ bugger gets better. That’s way more important than the porn (to me anyway).

    Maxine Mayhem
    No Fauxxx

  2. Ed

    Thanks! Griffin isn’t doing to bad, but it’s my wife who has had the really hard time. It looks like things are settling down some, though — just in time for my time off work. 8)