Featured Photographer: C. Owen Johnson


C. Owen JohnsonBio
C. Owen Johnson is a professional photographer who divides his time between San Francisco and the Sierras, which may account for his eclectic tastes and lack of a well-defined style. Born of photographer parents, he of course came to appreciate the medium only later in life and after 20 years as a physicist and engineer, chucked it all to pursue photography as a career. He has no formal training in photography, but considers himself a life-long artist to whom engineering was a hobby that paid the bills.

As an artist, he as always been most inspired by the female nude. In recent years, he has moved more into the realm of erotic and fetish photography, while saying solidly grounded in his art nude background. His work is published on numerous websites, including his own.

Who are some photographers you’ve found inspirational or influential?
Hard to say: I’ve been influenced and inspired by thousands of photos, not usually knowing who did them. My background in painting has probably had the most influence. But if I had to pick some name of photgraphers I particularly admire, I’d say Craig Morey, John Santerineross, and Tony Ward.

Who are some of your favorite models to work with?
Zille Defeu and Sassette are my favorite models; I love working with Sasha Monet and Lena Ramon, and there about a dozen others I work with regularly.

What equipment do you typically use?
I use a Kodak DCS digital w/ Canon lenses.

Favorite publications/sites?
Cyber-dyke.net and darkplay.net (run by friends of mine). Michelle7.com, Moreystudio.com, and mea-culpa.com all stand out.

Where has your work been featured?
Besides my own site, studioimago.com, youll see it cropping up here and there. I mainly license my work, so it’s been displayed a large number of websites.

Contact info

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0 thoughts on “Featured Photographer: C. Owen Johnson

  1. Angelene

    hey! he’s super-cool! I just shot with him and I must say he’s the bees knees! And I don’t hang out the “bees” compliment very easily!