Lots blooming at SinGarden.com


I’m a lazy fuck, so I’ll just copy and paste Chad’s post here:

th_pr-josie.jpgToday sees two landmark updates at SinGarden.com!

The first is our new photo set featuring the very beautiful and extremely talented Josie Nutter (who just so happens to also be our Webmistress!)

Josie typically isn’t the type to take off her clothes online, but when she came for a visit to the Sin Garden studios last month, I couldn’t help but ask her to get nekkid for the camera. Thankfully for me, and our SinGarden members, Josie was happy to do so! I can’t wait till she comes back on another visit so I can corrupt her again with more of my devious plans…

Also updated on our site today is our VERY FIRST VIDEO! Shot by Ashley Fontenot, this first of a 4 part movie features Ashley and Sin Garden’s own Amanda Jilesse engaged in a naughty little midnight romp. I just purchased a miniDV cam of my own and will adding more videos to the site over the next few months. I can’t wait!

th_singardenpartytn.jpgAnd now for the big news!

SinGarden.com is having it’s launch party! Click on the flyer for a larger version. Official Press Release to be released next week.