Deviant Nation: Jessica is a Modern Flasher


I wonder if flashing has really lost it’s power to really disturb people. I mean, it used to be that if some deviant freak popped open his raincoat to show you his floppy weiner, it was like some sort of rare traumatic event, but these days I can hardly check my email without some perv assaulting my consciousness with their privates. I’m not convinced I’d even notice some weirdo flasher these days. That’s why it’s so nice to see someone like DevianNation‘s Jessica kicking it up a notch, putting on some bright creative makeup and decorating her shapely figure with interesting and detailed art. That just makes the whole experience much more of a bright spot, a thrilling exclamation point on an otherwise humdrum day. Thank you Jessica. We appreciate it.

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Deviant Nation writes:

Jessica accosts innocent onlookers much to their surprise.

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